Saint Valentines vzw award winners will receive their awards by post or presented to them at an event organized by Saint Valentines vzw. There are different ways to obtain a Saint Valentines vzw award depending on your level of generosity or service to making the world a better place.

Award of excellence and promoter of humanity

This award is given to anyone with a huge charitable heart for others example a State Governor who did lots of good work for his people during his tenure, Companies who performed large humanitarian aid, CEO, Actors, Actress, Billionaires with a charitable heart for at least were the effect reached more than 10 000 people.

Volunteer award

This award is for Saint Valentines vzw voluntary workers who performed at top level during their voluntary work with Saint Valentines vzw.

Philanthropist Award

This award is for Saint Valentines vzw donors. NOTE! donors must donate at least 3 years to obtain this award. 

Scholarship award

This award is for students who Saint Valentines vzw sponsored their education and they graduated.

NOTE! Saint Valentines vzw has the right to update or modify the terms and conditions of obtaining a Saint Valentines vzw award.

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