Stay in school donation

Educating children helps reduce poverty. Education provides the next generation neccessary tools to create a better life for themselves and conquer disease. School also offers children a safe environment with support, supervision and socialization. This is why education is our number one priority

Children of poor income families in Nigeria often drop out of school due to lack of school materials, school fees and environment. You can help make them stay in school by donating to our stay in school program DONATE NOW.


3 x 3 Basketball Competition

It's a fact that sports improves our character, develops team work, self-discipline, coping with disappointment, builds our health, social life and state of mind.You can support us  by donating to our 3 x 3 Basketball Competition program in Belgium and in Nigeria DONATE NOW


Sports materials

Football is a tradition in africa, most african kids have played football before. A few with football shoes and many not, a few with football shorts and many not, a few with football shirts and many not. Some don't even have football to play and engaged themselves in other dangerous activities.As an NGO with dreams of making the world a better place we urge you to support us in providing football necessities for the less privilege DONATE NOW

Humanitarian and material

Donate to our humanitarian and material provision, join us put a smile on the face of another, help us build a better community, donate today to Saint Valentines vzw DONATE NOW

Subscription to Saint Valentines vzw

Do you like what we do and wish to subscribe to a monthly donation to Saint Valentines vzw please click on the donate button and to subscribe

Donations to Saint Valentine's can be made to our Fortis Bank Account ( IBAN - BE18 0017  7724  0565, BIC - GEBABEBB) or to our Paypal account

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